What is SQL Injection:
SQL injection is an attack in which malicious code is inserted into strings that are later passed to an instance of SQL Server for parsing and execution.
For Eg:
Assume the below dynamic query going to execute
String sql = "select * from Products where ProductID = '" + @ProductID + "'";
However, assume a user enters @ProductID as P213445'; drop table Products--
After assembled the above query will be
select * from Products where ProductID = 'P213445'; drop table Products--
This one syntactically correct, if this executes means we lost a table, Right..!!
So We should keep in mind SQL Injection while developing.
We can avoid SQL Injection by several methods, I given one of it.
Use the below one validate user input
//** Doubles up single quotes to stop breakouts from SQL strings **
public static string SQLSafe(string strRawText)
string strCleanedText = "";
int iCharPos = 0;
while (iCharPos < strRawText.Length)
//** Double up single quotes, but only if they aren't already doubled **
if (strRawText.Substring(iCharPos, 1) == "'")
strCleanedText = strCleanedText + "''";
if (iCharPos != strRawText.Length)
if (strRawText.Substring(iCharPos + 1, 1) == "'")
iCharPos = iCharPos + 1;
strCleanedText = strCleanedText + strRawText.Substring(iCharPos, 1);
return strCleanedText.Trim();
1. .NET has all these functionalities build in! Use them!
ReplyDelete2. Use the StringBuilder!